It is vital that your website ranks well on those search engines and that is why you need to learn how to do SEO for your website. They are platforms – usually in the form of a website like Google, Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo – that help you find web pages. In the example, the computer with the virtual catalog is like the “Google of the library”. Domain nameĪ domain name is simple the name your website and what you want your customers to know you as. It is very important to pick the right web hosting plan for your website.

It is a computer constantly connected to the internet and hosting one or more websites. Libraries are like servers because they host different sections (Sciences, Literature, History). Sure, although with limited hours. It is a collection of web pages that are grouped together and usually connected in various ways. The Science section is like a website. It is a document that can be displayed in a web browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple’s Safari). In our example it would be the Physics book.
Imagine you go to the library for a Physics book. You enter and approach the computers in the virtual catalog and write the name of the author or the volume. The system shows you the section and the code of the book you want, and with this information you go to the area where the Science volumes are located, you place the book on the shelves and take it. In order not to get confused with technical terms, the following analogy could facilitate the approach to the basic structure of the network of networks. To find out why it is worth spending time and money to develop your own website that leaves its mark, in this article we explain the fundamentals and characteristics of the different types of sites, along with a tip that will make it easier for you to create a website Websites: Basic Definitions Thus, if what you want is to spread your products or services online, your work as a freelancer or the knowledge you have acquired in your professional domain, the best alternative is to have a space that is completely customizable and adaptable to your needs, and that space is a website. That is in terms of the control of information, formats that you can publish, or lead generation. However, although they are accessible platforms, free and global, social networks can limit your digital strategy. If you have an account on social media, you are part of an audience of more than 3.5 billion people – almost half of the total population of the planet – who have a presence on the internet. Before learning what a website is let us learn what’s meant by the virtual world.